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Holby City BBC | David Fairhead Film Editing & Film Making
Holby City BBC
Holby City BBC
Holby City BBC

Holby City BBC

Cross My Heart

Director: Ed Bazelgette / Producer: Myar Craig-Brown / BBC / 60 minutes

A young boy comes into the hospital in need of a replacement heart.  Greg deals with it, together with Frieda, the transplant co-ordinator. Joseph discovers that his ex-girlfriend Fay is pregnant. Connie chastises Greg for his sloppy procedural work. She sends Joseph and Greg to collect the heart from a London hospital. Meanwhile she is being stalked by a person unknown.  She thinks it is Kevin who is grieving over the loss of his wife, and blames Connie for that.  The boy’s father wants to take him on a long holiday. Lila tries to persuade him not to.  Meanwhile, Greg and Joseph have discovered that the donor heart belongs to a young girl who has died in unusual circumstances.  The girl’s mother is a heroin addict, and Greg follows her back to her flat after she withdraws permission to transplant the heart.  There he discovers that she has overdosed, and her young son, Jordan, is in the flat with her.  Joseph turns up and they save her.  Connie is attacked by the stalker, who turns out not to be Kevin, but some aggrieved person from last week’s show. Joseph and Greg break some rules and bring the girl’s entire body back to Holby. The junkie mum comes back with them. The boys father decides he doesn’t want the transplant. Greg persuades him he does. The operation is successful. Jordan is taken into care. Connie asks Greg out for a drink but he says no. Greg and Joseph drink to his unborn child, although Greg doesn’t know that. Phew!