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Battlefields BBC | David Fairhead Film Editing & Film Making
Battlefields BBC

Battlefields BBC

Battlefield Britain (First broadcast 2004 BBC2 3 x 60 minutes Available on DVD)
Battlefield Britain, and its sequel 20th Century Battlefields, were commissioned from the Features department of the BBC rather than History.  Peter Snow, better known perhaps for his swing-ometer on election night, together with his son Dan, fronted the programmes.  Together they bought a refreshingly different and dynamic approach to telling historical stories.  Series Producer Danielle Peck threw almost everything in the modern programme-makers toy box at it: CGI battles; satellite-style maps; battle reconstruction; actors improvisation; speed ramps; e-fit face reconstruction and CCTV styling.

The Battle of the Boyne
Directed & Produced by Paul McGuigan / Series Producer: Danielle Peck / Executive Producer: Jane Aldous
Boyne told the story of the last battle fought between two rival kings for the throne of England in 1690.  Although the crucial battle actually took place in Ireland, and still resonates today through Irish history.

The Battle of Naseby
Directed & Produced by Mary Cranitch / Series Producer: Danielle Peck / Executive Producer: Jane Aldous
This was the most important and crucial battle in the English Civil War, the one which neither Cromwell or James could afford to lose.

The Battle of Britain
Director & Series Producer: Danielle Peck / Executive Producer: Jane Aldous
This film tells the story of those crucial weeks in WW2 when the fate of the country was in the hands of a few fighter pilots and the men who commanded them.  A particular highlight is watching and hearing Dan trying to keep talking, whilst being flung around the sky in a stunt plane.

20th Century Battlefields (First Broadcast 2006 [CHECK] BBC2 2x 60 minutes)

The Battle of Amiens
Directed & Produced by Paul McGuigan / Series Producer: Danielle Peck / Executive Producer: Jane Aldous
After four long years of stalemate came the climactic battle of WW1 when the British, recovering from the shock of the German 1918 offensive, launched the attack that would end the war.  The film looks at how the doctrine that was developed – All Arms Co-operation – still holds true today.

The Tet Offensive
Directed & Produced by Renuka Chapman / Series Producer: Danielle Peck / Executive Producer: Jane Aldous
This film tells the story of the 1968 North Vietnamese attack that was a military failure but which paved the way for the eventual victory over the US and the South. Filmed in Hue City and at Khe Sanh, Dan and Peter show how the US Marines fought inch by inch to recapture the city.